Panjokhra Sahib Gurudwara(Ambala)

The Gurdwara is committed to the memory of the eighth Master Sri Harkrishan Sahib Ji. He gone to this put on his way to Delhi. It is arranged on the Ambala-Naraingarh street. The Master amid his travel from Kiratpur to Panjokhra, voyage through Ropar, Banur, Raipura and Ambala. Along the way he gave the all inclusive message of Master Nanak, to devotees, who came to call on him. As he neared Panjokhra, a devotee talked with lowliness, “Respected Sangats are coming from Peshawar, Kabul and Kashmir for Darshan. Compassionate remain at Panjokhra for a couple of days so that they may have the chance of seeing their cherished otherworldly preceptor.” The Master concurred to expand his remain in this town.

There lived a learned Pandit, Lal Chand by title, who was pleased of his caste as well as of his learning. He came to see the Master with dedication and inquired, “It is said merely sit on the gaddi of Master Nanak, but what do you know of the ancient devout books?”


By chance Chhaju Slam, an uneducated dark-skinned town water carrier happened to pass by at that minute. Master Harkrishan inquired one Dargah Mal to call him. As Chhaju Smash came, the Master enquired on the off chance that he would clarify to the Pandit the essence of Bhagavatgita. Saying so, the Master put his adhere over the head of the water carrier, who shocked each one by giving a persuading commentary on the sacrosanct book. Lal Chand's pride was overcome. Unassumingly he fell at the Guru's feet. Both he and Chhaju Smash got to be the devotees of the awesome Master and traveled with him up to Kurukshetra.

It is said that Pandit Lal Chand entered the crease of Khalsa, in Master Gobind Singh's time and took the title, Lal Singh. He met with a hero's passing battling within the fight of Chamkaur, on December 7, 1705.

Agreeing to verifiable records, Master Harkrishan on coming to town Panlokhra, made a boundary of sand and said that any one who needed to see him, ought to stand there, make his supplication and he would have his crave satisfied. A hallowed place has been built at the location. *There are numerous holy places in and around Kurukshetra associated with Masters. The put has been gone to by Master Nanak, Master Amar Das, Master Har Rai Sahib Ji.


Gurdwara Sri Master Har Krishan Sahib Ji – 10 kilimetres northeast of Ambala City along the Ambala-Naraingarh street, marks the spot sanctified by Master Har Krishan, by his remain amid his travel from Kiratpur to Delhi in February 1664. The Master had been summoned to meet the Head Aurangzeb. A expansive number of his devotees, aggravated by summons from one known to be a intolerant dictator, had taken after the youthful Master. As the caravan arrived at Panjokhara at the conclusion of the third day of their travel, the Master told them all but a number of on the family staff to go back to their homes with a firm conviction within the rightness of divine allotment. There lived in Panjokhara a Brahaman, Krishan Lal or Lal Ji, who was glad of his learning. Seeing the youthful Master, he snidely commented that the boy who bore the title of Krishna seem not indeed examined Krishna's Bhagwad Gita. Master Har Krishan basically grinned at the Brahman's impudence and, calling a passerby, Chhajju the water-carrier, made the last mentioned grant a talk on Gita. Such was the learnedness of Chhajju that Lal Ji Pandit bowed his head in disgrace and besought the Guru's absolution. The Master continued his travel after three days remain at Panjokhara. A little dedication raised in honor of the Master was created into a Gurdwara amid the Sikh Run the show, and amid the past decade or two has ended up a endless complex counting the double-storey sanctum entered through a roomy lobby, Master ka Langar with a endless feasting corridor, and encased sarovar and subordinate buildings for staff and travelers. Other than to a great extent gone to Sunday morning assemblies, an yearly reasonable is held on Magh Sudi 7 to 9 (January – February) commemorating the days of the Guru's stay here over 300 a long time back.


Master Hargobind, Master Tegh Bahadur and Master Gobind Singh. Of all the places of journey here, Brahmsar is considered the holiest. It is said that here Brahma performed yagna. Washing within the tank on the day of sun based eclipse,gives a individual the advantage of a thousand Ashwamedha yajnas. On the north-western conclusion of the tank, stands a Gurudwara. It was built to commemorate the visit of Master Gobind Singh. Another Gurdwara committed to 6th Master Sri Hargobind stands near to another sacred tank,called Sannihit tank. There are numerous other holy places related with Masters. When Master Hargobind gone by Kurukshetra on the event of the sun powered overshadow, he met numerous Bibeke Sikhs who were holding assemblages. He was much satisfied to see that they were, able to get a handle on Master Nanak's message agreeing to his lessons. Thousands of Hindus and Sikhs visit heavenly Kurukshetra on the event of Kumbh mela on sun based obscure. Here Ruler Krishna gave the message of the ethereal melody called Bhagavatgita to Arjuna some time recently the graduation of the Mahabharata war. 

Haryana Tourism has set up a visitor complex at Pipli close Kurukshetra Railway Station. It gives offices to visitors and travelers. Other than there's a eatery, and open gardens for plant parties. This chronicled put is 152 Km from Delhi.



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