Terrifying Things about India

violence against women
India has high rates of violence against women, including rape, sexual assault and domestic violence. According to the National Criminal Records Service, there were more than 32,000 reported rape cases of her in 2019 alone. This has led to widespread protests and growing calls for more protection for women in the country.


caste system
India has a caste system, a hierarchical social structure that divides people into different groups based on their birth. Those at the top of the caste system enjoy greater privileges and opportunities, while those at the bottom face discrimination and exclusion. Despite efforts to eradicate the caste system, it still exists in many parts of the country.

religious violence
India has a long history of religious violence, especially among Hindus and Muslims. This has resulted in numerous riots and incidents of communal violence, many lives have been lost and many communities have been displaced. In recent years, there have also been concerns about growing intolerance towards religious minorities in the country.

Corruption is a major problem in India, with many government officials and politicians accused of accepting bribes and engaging in other forms of corruption. This has led to a loss of trust in state institutions and the discontent of many citizens.


poverty and inequality
Despite India's rapid economic growth in recent years, poverty and inequality remain major challenges. According to the World Bank, more than 176 million of her people live in extreme poverty in India, where income inequality is among the highest in the world. This exacerbates social and economic inequalities, with many struggling to access basic needs such as health care, education and clean water.

Air pollution
India is one of the most polluted countries in the world, with many major cities experiencing high levels of air pollution. This has caused serious health problems such as respiratory disease and heart disease. Governments have taken some steps to address this problem, but much more needs to be done to ensure clean air for all citizens.

Conclusion: India is a country with a rich cultural heritage and many positive qualities, but it also faces many serious challenges. Violence against women, caste system, religious violence, corruption, poverty and inequality, air pollution are just some of the issues that need to be addressed to ensure a better future for all Indians. 


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